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Creating sustainable development through mindful practice.

Leadership Coaching

Coaching is most often used in organizations to support leaders where one or more of the following are true:

A leader is expected to take on a bigger or more complex role where previous leadership competence may no longer be sufficient.
A leader has demonstrated competence in the core leadership tasks but there is a sense that he/she would benefit from a developmental shift allowing her/him to hold more context and perspective. 
There are identified gaps in a leader’s performance.  To achieve success in this category it is critical that the leader be committed to the desired outcomes.
Click here to view our most common approaches to coaching.

Organizational Development

Organizations benefit by having someone who is not "caught" in organizational patterns, and who brings experience and approaches to assist in having the conversations the organization most needs to have. Those conversations are often related to strategy or culture or both.  

Key to strategy work is helping leaders and stakeholders get out of their old ways of
thinking to imagine new possibilities. These possibilities may take the form of purpose,
vision, and/or mission but are always about creating a clear and compelling future to
which others can enroll.

Culture work is often about trying to align “who we are” with our mission and vision. It
often takes the form of values clarification. The real work begins with how those are
integrated into the norms and behaviors of the organization.

Teaching and Facilitation

Whether working on emotional intelligence or working through change and transition, bringing an outside facilitator to these conversations is often very useful to any organization. Through facilitation techniques we help teams get clear and committed to the outcomes that will make the biggest difference for the team and the organization. Workshops are modified to fit each each unique culture and set of leadership development goals. We also create a wide range of custom workshops based on your specific needs. These workshops and presentations may be done in an off-site "retreat" setting or through regular team meetings


Click here to view our most popular workshops and presentations


It is very often useful to get a current state assessment, whether for a leader or an
organization. A sample of the tools we find productive are listed here.

Stakeholder interviews: Think of this as a qualitative assessment designed to uncover
key strengths and opportunities. The great advantage of this approach is that we often
find enough nuance that it starts to create the plan for moving forward. This is often
combined with other more formal assessments.

The Leadership Circle Profile: This 360 is a best in class assessment that provides a
multi-rater (360) view of a leader’s performance. It is distinguished from other 360
assessments in that it also has a developmental lens that is part of the debrief. See
here for more information:

Learn more about Leadership Circle Profile™:

Collective Leadership Assessment: Provided by the same company that provides the
Leadership Circle Profile, this assessment considers the ways in which the collective
(culture) is well suited for the mission. See here for more information:

Learn more about Collective Leadership Assessment™:

The Hogan Assessment: This individual assessment is designed to provide an individual with a
way of thinking about his/her reputation, as opposed to identity. It is a world-class assessment
and considers when one is at one’s best; the risks of overuse; and driving values. See here for
more information:

DiSC Assessment: This very popular tool is an individual assessment but often used in teams.
The focus is on behavioral style, specifically communication style. It has many variations beyond basic communication that includes emotional intelligence, managerial approach, and the work of leaders. See here for more information:

Get in Touch

704-595 – 3079  office
904-534 – 0962 mobile

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